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“Your Love Letter to Angel Sign”

Christopher Tordoff Christopher Tordoff 06/11/2019 4 min read

To celebrate the inclusion of “Angel Sign” into the Indonesian Japanese Film Festival 2019 schedule, SMA are shouting out to all Indonesian manga artists and illustrators to create “Your Love Letter to Angel Sign”!

We are looking for either a short manga or an illustration that shows your love SMA Judge Tsukasa Hojo’s live-action directorial debut. All you have to do is attend one of the screenings during the Festival and get inspired!

Here’s how to participate in “Your Love Letter to Angel Sign”


Watch “Angel Sign” during the Indonesian Japanese Film Festival 2019.


Become inspired and create “Your Love Letter to Angel Sign”, which can be either…

a) Your personal interpretation of an “Angel Sign” movie poster
b) A short silent manga inspired by the Indonesian shot “Back Home” as featured in the film

Once completed, post your work on YOUR* Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter account with the following hashtags*:





*We will collect entires using these hashtags. Please ensure you make all entry posts public.

Judging process:

Top 5 most “liked” and/or shared posts will be reviewed by Hojo-sensei, with the winning work in each category to be announced in January 2020.  


a) Illustration Poster Prize: An official Angel Sign, signed by Hojo-sensei!

b) Silent Manga Prize: A print of the original storyboards, signed by Hojo-sensei and Tomizawa-sensei!

For more information about the Indonesian Japanese Film Festival, including the schedule of films, please follow this LINK.



  • Posting (entry) deadline: 31st December 2019 – 23:59 in your timezone.
  • Competition only open to Indonesian residents.
  • SMA will hold exclusive distribution rights to the winnings works for using in future “Angel Sign” promotion.

If you are planning to watch “Angel Sign”, make sure to show your love with plenty of social media posts!


Christopher Tordoff

Christopher Tordoff