In Japan, a manga series first starts as a trial “one-shot” stand alone work. The response of the public determines the future events of a series! In the same way, the goal for this brand new audition is to write a manuscript IN ENGLISH for the first chapter of a series, including one introduction page.
Your goal is to captivate the judges and make them eager to read the next eventual chapter!! Submit your idea for a chance to become a professional script writer in Japan!
The SILENT MANGA AUDITION® Editorial Department is now working with select members of the MasterClass to make them debut in Japan, with the close support of the ZENON Editorial Department. This collaboration is taking place in a dedicated environment designed for international creators to break into the Japanese manga industry, known as the Artists Village Aso 096k.
As part of the new 1ST CHAPTER SCRIPT WRITING AUDITION, we invite you to submit your original manga ideas that, if selected, that could be developed into manga series by our MasterClass members and you through our editorial support!
COAMIX Inc. is a Tokyo-based manga publisher founded by worldwide famous manga creators. Among its many titles, Record of Ragnarok, MOTHER PARASITE, Keiji’s Kabuki Adventure, and The War of Greedy Witches stand out for being the most recent and internationally acclaimed manga series from the publisher.