The SMA MasterClass is a community of international manga creators who have produced work above and beyond the expectations of the SILENT MANGA AUDITION® Judges.
Open to creators who show the most manga-making potential and motivation to debut in Japan, the goal of the MasterClass is to make creators' dream of a Japanese manga debut a reality through exclusive opportunities and editorial support.
The first step is to participate in the SILENT MANGA AUDITION®.
By receiving high awards and showing your incredible illustration, composition, and storytelling skills, you'll prove to the SMA Judges that you have what it takes to join the MasterClass.
After that, you will be contacted by the SMA Editorial Dept. to work towards your Japanese manga debut, while learning more about the Japanese manga industry and manga creation!
MasterClass members will follow the same path as Japanese manga artists by entering COAMIX and Comic ZENON's manga competitions. By working hard with your SMA Editor, you may even find your work featured in Comic ZENON's manga platforms and receive the opportunity to create manga in Japan at our Artists Village Aso 096k!
Comic ZENON’s oldest contest where creators can prove themselves directly to their future fans with an up to 39 page entry. Entries are judged by manga legends, booksellers, and the general public.
Short and sweet, Itten Toppa's 5-17 page entries are judged based on their strong points (paneling, design, dialogues, etc.) by special guest judges, famous Japanese manga creators, and the ZENON Editorial Department.
Entries up to 39 pages are judged by the ZENON Editorial Dept. and manga artist guest judges in the newest manga competition from COAMIX and Comic ZENON.
Expert storytelling from top Comic ZENON manga artists and the raw artistic talent of the MasterClass joined together in this exclusive dream-collaboration.
Kumamoto's connection with manga spread to the MasterClass through unique opportunities, and has culminated with the Artists Village Aso 096k.
Four volumes of stand-alone stories (one-shots) from the talented minds of the MasterClass to display their skills and original ideas to readers worldwide!
Take the first step and enter the SILENT MANGA AUDITION®