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アバター Penmaru 04/06/2015 2 min read
This week, “A Little Surprise, Concealed in the Cover!” Episode 2: On the back of the book cover, you’ll find something delightful!! ????????????? Manga sold in bookstores in Japan usually come with a book cover. Take that cover off and… ????????????? 20150602_114059 Hey presto! ?????????????

The true nature of the cover is revealed!!

  There are lots of special extras! ????????????? Comments from the author, a bonus 4 panel manga…  




Even a reversible cover with a saucy illustration!! Tsukasa is very fond of cute girls, so an unexpected freebie of this nature is a big bonus!! How about the manga in your parts of the world?   Next week, I’ll be introducing the place where I take all these photos: Tsukasa’s Moe Desk!! Please look forward to it!!