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SMA's Italian Job

Enrico Croce Enrico Croce 14/04/2018 7 min read
Italy, the BEL PAESE, the birthplace of world renowned dishes such as Pizza, Pasta and the versatile Panini; the land of great poets like Dante and Boccaccio and not forgetting pioneers of the art world like Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and…Salvatore Nives from SMAC!!!



Friends, Manga Creators, Community, lend me your ears! Enrico here!

  The organizers of one of the biggest Italian manga and anime event, ROMICS recently extended an invitation to our beloved Hojo Tsukasa sensei…an invitation Hojo sensei was honored to accept.   Nestled amongst the ancient monuments of antiquity, the event proved a huge success, with the organizers bestowing our legendary mangaka with the prestigious Romics d’Oro – Litt. Golden Romics Award in gratitude for a career that captured reader’s hearts the world over (especially Italian hearts!).   The event also proved an excellent opportunity to extend the message of the SILENT MANGA AUDITION®, and our mission to grow our Community of International Manga creators! From launching a special Italian language page on the SMAC! Web Magazine, containing all the news and information about the Audition, to enthusiastically talking to every passerby about what we do, we are confident the people Rome are now very familiar with SMAC!      To help publicize the appearance of Hojo Tsukasa sensei, we designed a bespoke flyer featuring the temptresses from Cat’s Eyes, especially for the Romics event!      These “Eye Cat-ching” flyers were also featured on the stand’s of our friends Jungle Entertainment Hobby Shop and Panini Comics. Both Jungle and Panini created some amazing event exclusive products to celebrate the life and work of Hojo sensei, paying particular attention to Cat’s Eye and CITY HUNTER!  

Jungle X Tsukasa Hojo & SMAC!


Panini Comics X Tsukasa Hojo & SMAC!

  We were delighted to meet many people interested in the competition, making sure they were fully up to speed on information regarding future round application, not to mention thrusting a flyer in their unsuspecting hands! We also announced our event to eager audiences during two stage appearances, including Hojo sensei’s talk show session, and a talk with the Europe Design Institute (IED) during a Manga Master lecture delivered by Hojo sensei to a packed audience of Design, Animation, CG and Fashion students!          We received an outstanding response from the public during the entire event, offering the chance to support many Italian creators, old and new, over SNS in the future.

But what now…?

  We fully intend to build on this success and offer the chance for Italian creators to message us with their queries, join in on live video support and give one-to-one support, all in Italian!! We will also continue to work with our Italian Masterclass Members in supporting them with One-shot creation (one particularly exciting One-shot is almost finished, stay tuned for its unveiling!) and also join Italian manga workshops to inform participants of professional manga editing procedures!     

Scuola Internazionale di Comics X SMAC!


Salvatore Nives Workshop & SMAC! in manga school

  If you’d like your Manga school to collaborate with us, or you’re wondering how to join the Masterclass, or even information on applying to the next SMA round, please do not hesitate to contact me at Enrico or via our FACEBOOK/TWITTER pages! So why not join our BELLISSIMA Community?! We cannot wait to meet you!  CIAO!  
  (All Hojo sensei pictures are taken with kind permission from ROMICS OFFICIAL FACEBOOK PAGE)
Enrico Croce

Enrico Croce