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SMAC! Movie Contest 1st round Results and Announcements

Mayuna Mizutani Mayuna Mizutani 15/10/2015 2 min read
“SMAC! MOVIE CONTEST” – is a new challenge we set out for all manga creators and movie creators of the world. We are announcing that there will be no “Stage2”, for this round of the contest. Round 1 is concluded at this stage as of this announcement. There will be new round in a revised format, soon to be announced along with display of the movies submitted. We send our sincere appreciation to the 3 teams which sent us an entry! The participating teams are awarded with the special prizes, for the excellence of their production. These entries will each receive a special prize.

Special Prizes

“Excuse Me (Alex Irzaqi)” by reza afre – JPY100,000 “Roach Story (Erwin Prasetya)” by jaritengah – JPY50,000 “Here (Ilham Maulana)” by Arthurian – JPY30,000
  Again, congratulations and much appreciation to each team! The award winners’ movies will be displayed on our website in November. “SMAC! Movie Contest” will continue to seek the future of both manga and movie creation. We hope to see more entries in the next round! Further details regarding future structure of “SMAC! Movie Contest 02” will be announced in November 2015.
Mayuna Mizutani

Mayuna Mizutani