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SMA Editorial Dept. SMA Editorial Dept. 14/01/2023 8 min read
PROFILE Name/Pen Name: Pakapol Potisaratana/Punix Age: 32 Country: Thailand Favorite manga: ONE PIECE, Death Note, Bleach, I’s , Eyeshield 21 Favorite movie: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The Dark Knight Trilogy Favorite quote: “Stay hungry, stay foolish.” -Steve Jobs Entry Title: “Itsumo” Round: SMA18 “Moments of HAPPINESS, AFFECTION, or TEARS” Award: Honorable Mention
Just love it at first. Love it enough to bring it to be a part of your life.
About SMA
  • How does it feel to receive a SILENT MANGA AUDITION® award? I am grateful to the SMA team for holding such great contests every year and would like to say thank you to all the judges. Your comments are very precious to me. Moreover, I am very happy to have a chance to show my works to the Japanese audience. The manga industry in your country has always been attractive to me.
  • What was the inspiration behind your awarded work? “Itsumo” is based on a true story from my life. I have always had feelings for a childhood friend who is a girl, but after we grew up we did not meet as often as before. As the world separated us, the memories of “happier times” with her are still with me. I just wanted to tell her to always be happy and smile. It is what she deserves. 
  • What challenges did you face while making your manga? How did you overcome them? Working on contests along with making money for my family always challenges me!


About your Manga
  • How and when did you start making manga? Any advice for beginners? I started drawing manga when I was young and first watched anime and read manga. I have always asked myself why I draw, and the answer was I love to see the manga world weaving out of me. My advice for beginners: just love it at first. Love it enough to bring it to be a part of your life.
  • Do you draw your manga digitally or by hand? What are your go-to digital or analogue tools? I usually draw digitally because it is easier. My tablet is a Wacom Bamboo with a notebook Dell G3 15.
  • What was the first manga you picked up? Detective Conan.
  • Which manga changed your life? There are 3 manga that brought me to draw manga like crazy. First, Detective Conan, I have started reading it since I was young and try very hard to draw in the same quality as Aoyama-sensei. Second is Midori no Hibi. It is the time I began to realize how to draw in “Moe” style. It happened that I love to draw cute girls very much. The last one is Death Note. I am a fan of Obata-sensei’s works. His style always blows my mind, especially in Death Note. The first time I read Death Note, I settled my mind that I will be as good as him someday.
  • Which manga character do you most identify with? Why? It is Monkey D. Luffy from ONE PIECE. I also dreamt high at first but knew nothing. As the time passed, I started to learn everything step by step with joy.
  • What kind of manga do you want to make next? Sci-Fi, cyberpunk, fantasy, romance.

About You
  • What do you do when you’re not making manga? How do you relax? I usually draw illustrations to make myself relax. Sometimes, I read novels and play games (like Kingdom Hearts) to get new ideas.
  • What industry do you work in (if manga making isn’t your primary job)? I work in the 2D animation industry because I am also an animator.
  • Where do you see your manga career in 5 years time? In 5 years, I hope for my works to be more famous, and have a chance to work in the Japanese manga and anime industry.
  • What manga making advice would you give to your younger self if you could? Manga is freedom because you can make anything happen. Just be yourself and don’t stay in a box.
  • What advice would you give to people entering the SILENT MANGA AUDITION®? Ask yourself what is the best thing in your life that you can apply to the topic of the contest and how the audience can improve their life from knowing your story. Then, tell it to the world.

Thank you, Punix! We’re eagerly expecting your next manga masterpiece!

You have time until April 3rd to join SMA19 and have a chance to develop your potential as a manga creator with us in Japan!
SMA Editorial Dept.

SMA Editorial Dept.