Manga “NAME” is the CRYSTAL of PRE-PRODUCTION. Japanese Manga 101 #025
5 min read
As promised, we’ll be digging into “Name”, with examples.
The term “Name” may be used in several ways, but in “Manga” terms, a “Name” is a blueprint for manga, panelled and with dialogues.
This, is the actual names for “ANGEL HEART” by Tsukasa Hojo sensei.
It was still a work in production so the drawing is very rough. But to help the editor visualise scenes, characters’ facial expressions and gestures are drawn in, with more details.
This, is the final artwork from this name. Take a moment, to enjoy the artwork, and compare how the NAME, turned into the final artwork.
We’ll have the images, on our website too.
Nearly all professional manga artists, have this “Name” checked by the editor before commencing work, to produce the final artwork.
The editor in charge reads the name, visualises in his mind, how the final artwork will look. Any problems must be spotted and corrected at this stage. Once the name is approved, the artist then commence work on the manuscript.
Working on “Names” is often considered the hardest part of manga production. Understandably so, because what goes in the name, determines how interesting the manga will be.
Each artist may have a unique way of pre-production, But here is the basic flowchart many artists use :