SMAC! editorial team has good news regarding the ILLUSTRATION contest of SMA-EX3!
SILENT MANGA AUDITION® EXTRA ROUND THREE (EX3) “KUMAMOTO ROUND 2018” – ILLUSTRATION Category gets a DEADLINE EXTENSION!! We really really really want to make the “Kumamoto International Manga Fes” HUGE! So, we are extending the deadline FOR THE ILLUSTRATIONS ONLY, to welcome more entries that will enliven the event even more! The new deadline for the illustration is……PM 11:59 / 23:59 of AUGUST 10th, 2018 (In YOUR timezone)
This deadline extension means MORE TIME TO DO AN ILLUSTRATION! Why not draw another piece of work, that will entertain the people of Kumamoto? 😄 * Please note, the SILENT MANGA Category closes today, MAY 31st 2018 (In YOUR timezone)! Top award winners in the SILENT MANGA Category will win a trip to Japan! Hold onto your seats, and be prepared to be entertained!!😉