“Creatures, Sprits and Monsters” from YOUR folklore is the theme for SMA14. But how do these mysterious creatures operate? What are their powers? What food do they eat?? Over the coming weeks and months throughout the entry period, we will publish a series of “Yokai Case Files” on several mythical creatures from around the world to help inspire your manga.
First up… The Kappa!

Kappa (River-child)
Kawatarō (River-boy), Komahiki (Horse-puller), Kawatora (River-tiger), Suiko (Water-tiger)
Rivers, ponds and lakes
Child sized, green, shell on back and a head plate containing “liquid”.
Charismatic and strong! Can lure you into water then drown you.
When away from water, if the “liquid” found in the Kappa’s head plate is spilled then defeat is assured! As Kappa’s are extra polite, bow to ensure spillage.
A Japanese “Yokai”, the Kappa is known for being both mischievous and downright dangerous! An amphibious creature, the actions of these troublesome Yokai range from voyeurism to cannibalism! The interest the Kappa have in humans is their obsession with our “shirikodama” – a mythical ball that is said to contain our soul located in our rear ends… **ouch!** But Kappa aren’t all evil. It is said that once befriended, a Kappa will become a loyal and useful companion, helping to irrigate paddy fields and an indispensable help with illnesses as they are a font of medical knowledge!