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SMA11 Interview #5 – Simone Sanseverino

Christopher Tordoff Christopher Tordoff 07/01/2020 5 min read


Name: Simone Sanseverino

Age: 23

Country: Italy

Favorite manga: Monster by Urasawa Naoki

Favorite movie: Good Will Hunting

Favorite quote: “Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary” – Robin Williams


“A promise is something you cannot take lightly, both in life and in making a story.”



How does it feel to win a SILENT MANGA AUDITION® award?

It’s sorta weird. I have always looked at other artist’s works, so to see my story among them.. I still haven’t realized it at all!

2. What were your first impressions of the theme?

When I first saw the theme, I thought it will be a tough challenge. A promise is something you cannot take lightly, both in life and in making a story.


3. What was the inspiration behind your winning work?

I love to travel, especially to see mountains. I often hike with my friends, so I decided to make them the main character of this story. 2018 has been a hard year for me and my family, so I really wanted a story where the main character had to overcome the difficulties along his path.

4. What challenges did you face making your manga? How did you overcome them?

A very difficult part was to make the depth of the landscapes. In photography, mountain landscapes never look the same as when you see them in person. So I had to study a lot from other authors, like Taniguchi Jiro-sensei. He really helped me a lot.


5. What did you learn from making your manga? Did you pick up any new skills or techniques?

I learned how to make lines better, in order to render good shadows and atmosphere. Furthermore, I tried to focus on paneling. It was important to me to have the right narrative times for feeling the same vibes for the protagonist.

6. How important is entering the SILENT MANGA AUDITION® in relation to your professional goals?

I’ve always viewed SMA rounds as a spectator when I went to school. Now I’m still studying how to make manga by myself and I believe SMA is a good opportunity to get the next step. I really want to draw my own stories and I think this is the best chance to reach my goal.


7. What advice would you give to people entering the SILENT MANGA AUDITION®?

My advice is to feel the story. When you feel the same as your own character, you are making a good scene. But, above all… have fun! Having fun is the most important thing you should draw for. So… Have fun and keep pushing for the top!

  Read Simone Sanseverino’s SMA11 GRAND PRIX RUNNER-UP AWARD winning manga, “Bon Voyage” by clicking the image!
Christopher Tordoff

Christopher Tordoff