Many young Manga artists in Japan had their work published in Silent Manga Audition, progressing to winning a professional career with series Manga published monthly.
Here we have some of their works, surely there is a lot to learn from it, as well as enjoy reading it!
First up, Molico Ross Sensei on the theme “Moment of Rage”…
Before the Silent Manga Audition opened its doors to the world, Japanese local series of the competition has been running on Japan domestic magazine, “Monthly Comic Zenon” since 2011.
Many young talents had his/her work published, as a step-stone to landing on the professional courrier. Here we have three Manga artists who currently has a series Manga published on Comic-Zenon.
One of them is Molico Ross sensei. After winning an award with fast-paced action “Propane Nightmares” on the theme “Moment of Rage”, He begun drawing a series manga for Comic-Zenon, with 2 volumes of the comic currently on sale in Japan.
“Propane Nightmares” is available on our manga viewer here!
While “Propane Nightmares” is a enraging thriller, the series manga is in completely different tone…
“Nobo and Her” is a light comedy of a college student Nobo-san, who lives in an apartment, a room which he shares with a spirit of a girl who (which?) thinks she is his girlfriend. Story is a very light hearted comedy but also very interesting for Manga fans, as the main Girl is never anywhere to be seen!
Yet there is a common and strong sense among readers that she must be very pretty.
We hope we have a chance to introduce the current series sometime.
You can read the first chapter of his manga, in Japanese website of Comic-Zenon:
Brief Biography:
“Propane Nightmares”
Winner of Excellence award, Comic-Zenon 2011/May
a short Manga on Comic-Zenon
“Nobo and Her (Nobo-san to Kanojo)”
Series Manga on Comic-Zenon since 2012/June.
Volume 1 and 2 currently on sale in Japan.