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Enrico Croce Enrico Croce 15/03/2018 6 min read
3 is the magic number, sang the famous song. But if 3 is magic, then 5 is most definitely spectacular!! Think about it: we have old fashioned anime 5 members group like the Gatchman squad, then Saint Seiya’s Bronze Saints and of course the Power Rangers team! What those 5 members teams has in common? The colours! Red, Blue, Yellow, Green and Pink… and now that I think about it, we at SMAC! are 5 as well! Me, Mayu, Chris, Vivi and Taiyo! Kakimoji are like super Sentai squads, formed of 5 elements to form the strongest Megazord ever: a perfect balanced kakimoji manga! Hello my noisy friends! Enrico here! Today we will classify our beloved Kakimoji in order to better understand their usage. As said by the Japanese linguistic Haruhiko Kindaichi, 5 types of Kakimoji can be find in the Japanese language and literature/manga:   1) Giongo 擬音語, Kakimoji for sounds made by objects and nature. The most used Kakimoji. He’s the leader of the Kakimoji group, the Red Ranger. 2) Giseigo 擬声語, this Kakimoji represents animal and human sounds. He’s the best friend of the Red Ranger. Their powers combined can represent countless sounds! He’s the Blue Ranger. 3) Gitaigo 擬態語, describes conditions and states of inanimate objects. This kakimoji can help the reader to understand perfectly the character’s emotions thanks to the intelligence of its representative Sentai hero: He’s the Green Ranger. 4) Giyougo 擬容語, describes aspect and movements of living things. The Ranger with the deeper link with Nature: The Yellow Ranger. 5) Gijougo 擬情語, used for express feelings and emotions. Fragile and delicate, it’s the Pink Ranger!     So, after the introduction of our super heroes, let’s see their true powers with some practical examples: IT’S KAKIMOJI TIME!  We’ll take the newest Hara sensei manga, found in COMIC ZENON international, IKUSA NO KO! Let’s focus on 2 different panels. We have 2 different Kakimoji in the same panel:   In the largest one, we have the GISEIGO UHIHIII, representing the noises of the horses (we can SEE the call comes from any horse in the group, because the Kakimoji covers the whole scene). Then, in the little panel on the right we have the GIYOUGO MUN MUN, expressing the sensuality of the female horses. Just look at their hearts and cute eyes 😀            But, the same horse group makes did an actual sound when they was presented in the previous page running across the mountain. How is that sound is VISUALLY EXPRESSED? With the thickly designed DODODO Kakimoji!   Ever thought what DODODO and GOGOGO (see KAKIMOJI SOS #3) are? They are GIONGO, representing objects and nature! Did you see how the variation of Kakimoji can change even the smallest detail in your story?! We should really thanks Hara sensei for these excellent examples! What do you think? Would you like an interview with the master of manga art and Kakimoji? Let me know! 😜   Pen Maru says: Please friends, do not answer this last question with a YES on Enrico’s social networks or he will fill up this article series JUST with Hara sensei’s beautiful artwork! What did you say?! You are Hara sensei’s fan, too? Oh, well, then…!       Hey, Penmaru, what are you saying to our readers?! You little brat!! Oh well, my friends, see you next week with an article about the DESIGNED difference between SHOJO and SHONEN manga Kakimoji! Do not miss it!
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Enrico Croce

Enrico Croce