Manga NAME Practicals 5 : “BONOLON the Forest Warrior” – Japanese Manga 101 #037
6 min read
Thank you for all the entries you sent us for round 4 of SILENT MANGA AUDITION! Please look forward to the results.
In the meantime, I’m glad to announce that Round 5 is confirmed to go ahead! We hope to see many more of your works again in the coming 6 months!
Today we’ll continue looking at Forest Warrior Bonolon while showing you the art of MANGA NAME creation. We’ve finally reached the last scene.
Please pay attention to the way the scene is directed, to achieve the desired effect!
Lemo has been revived by Bonolon’s large tears. Bonolon tells her to live her mom and dad’s share as well. He says, “Those are the parents’ last words”.
Lemo is sad because she can’t meet her parents in heaven. But Bonolon says “You’re not alone! You have me and the giant tree for friends! Whenever you feel lonely, call my name, and put your ear up against the giant tree. I promise to answer”
Bonolon and Lemo then part ways…
There is again a clever visual trick, that makes it clear of the fact, Bonolon is a forest fairy.
At the last minute, Lemo screams “Bonolon, please answer me! Can I meet my mom and dad again?”
Bonolon leaves this answer: “If you speak through the giant tree, you can talk to the spirits sleeping within the earth. Put your ear to the tree, and talk to them”
Then, Bonolon disappears.
As she was told, Lemo tries putting her ear to the tree, and speaking to her parents.
Here, to create sense of time, to signify the fact there was a moment before and after this panel, the artist, draws a sunlight shinning down into the forest. Using these tricks to creating this “tempo”, is a key to draw readers into your story!
and we’ll carry on!
“Lemo!? Is that you?”
Lemo is surprised to hear an answer!
“We’re sorry that we’ve left you alone! But we’ll always be watching over you!”
Lemo hears the kind voices of her parents very clearly.
The final page, is a heartwarming scene, a wide-shot drawn as the background, with Lemo’s surprised, and happy facial expression drawn extremely large, composed on top.
Lemo’s mom and dad are drawn in an imaginary perspective. They do not physically exist in this scene, but composed on top.
This scene is a recreation of Lemo’s mind,upon hearing their voice through the tree. This will leave a long-lasting impression on the readers. Lemo surely will live, happily ever after!
There are many ways to do the last scene, but the most important thing is, with a limited amount of pages, you gotta make your readers want, to meet your characters again.
Learn from the endings of great movies and novels, and create the last scene that suits your style!
So we’ve gone through the points of name creation.
As we’ve said, the enjoyableness of the manga is mostly decided already, at the MANGA NAME creation stage. Prepare thoroughly, and be prepared to re-do the NAME as many times as necessary!
And be sure to ask for the opinions, of those around you. You want many people to read your manga, so don’t be shy and show your NAME to as many of people around you as possible!
This, may well be the fastest way to becoming a mangaka. Do your best!
Next week, we’ll be doing another Q&A session, so please send us any questions that you might have, via YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or any of the channels you can contact us!
See you next week! Remember we’ll be announcing SMA05 themes too!