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Christopher Tordoff Christopher Tordoff 13/01/2021 5 min read

PROFILE Name: Wilfried Bento Manga: Guardians of Temptation Round: SMA14: “Creature, Spirits and Monsters” Award: Honourable Mention Age: 26 Country: France Favorite manga: Dragon Ball Favorite movie: Old Boy (Park Chan-Wook) Favorite band/musician: Stevie Wonder   QUESTIONS   About the SMA
  1. How does it feel to win a SILENT MANGA AUDITION® award?
It’s great! I feel my work has recognition.  


  1. What was the inspiration behind your winning work?
I was looking for a story on the emblematic heritage of France, and when I started to move towards Notre-Dame I wanted to deal with a forbidden relationship within a place of worship.  
  1. What challenges did you face making your manga? How did you overcome them?
The architecture of Notre-Dame! I have taken many architectural references and I also visited Notre-Dame where I took reference photos.     About Manga 
  1. How and when did you start making manga? Any advice for beginners?
I have always drawn, loved telling stories and devoured manga, so I started to draw manga instinctively from a young age. Advice for beginners? There are no secrets too success, just observe, diligently practice and have a lot of patience.  
  1. What was the first manga you picked up?
Dragon Ball! I remember it was the volume 26, with Goku against Freeza!    
  1. Which manga changed your life?
Dragon Ball was my first love and the one that inspired me to draw manga! But Kokô no Hito (孤高の人) from Sakamoto-sensei was the title that made me want to become a professional!  
  1. Which manga character do you most identify with? Why?
Buntarô Mori from Kokô no Hito! Because he’s a loner like me and he lives his passion at 100%.  
  1. What kind of manga do you want to make next?
I have many ideas, but a seinen style, realistic story is the type of I prefer telling.  

  About You
  1. What do you do when you’re not making manga? How do you relax?
I watch movies and series! i’m a big lover movies.  
  1. What industry do you work in (If manga making isn’t your primary job)
I am a painter and illustrator.  
  1. Where do you see your manga career in 5 years time?
I hope I will be working on my own published manga!  
  1. What advice would you give to people entering the SILENT MANGA AUDITION®?
Just show your personal style! Personally, what I love in this contest is the multitude of different style from the award winners!  

Wilfred’s previous work! 

Christopher Tordoff

Christopher Tordoff