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EX5 Interview #5 – Youngman

Christopher Tordoff Christopher Tordoff 10/12/2019 4 min read
PROFILE  Name: Son Penname: Youngman Age: 28 Country: Vietnam Favorite manga: Naruto; Shaman King       “I wanted to find a new way of expressing my manga…”   QUESTIONS How does it feel to win a SILENT MANGA AUDITION® award? This is the first time I’ve participated, so I’m very happy and surprised to receive the award. When I knew I had won, I definitely wanted to join the next round! What were your first impressions of the theme? “Do Your Best” is an interesting topic, as it makes me envision deep stories with impressive images.

Hanoi, where tradition meets the future.

What challenges did you face making your manga? How did you overcome them? ︎ I had to think of a story short enough but with deep, meaningful content, it was a difficult thing. I wanted my story to have few characters and a simple environment, a story at sea is the perfect setting for this.

Workspace is ready for action.

What did you learn from making your manga? Did you pick up any new skills or techniques? I wanted to find a new way of expressing my manga, as I’m not too confident with this style. But when I finished it, I was very satisfied.

A taste of Son’s manga collection.

How important is entering the SILENT MANGA AUDITION® in relation to your professional goals? ︎ Joining the SMA and succeeding made me more confident in my work. I make cartoons, so making comics is very good practice for this job.

Son’s strongest critic

What advice would you give to people entering the SILENT MANGA AUDITION® SMA is a great place for manga lovers like me. I hope all SMA participants will continue to love SMA and submit great manga to the competition.   Read Youngman’s SMA-EX5 Grand Prix RU manga, “FISH” by clicking the image!
Christopher Tordoff

Christopher Tordoff