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SMA 13 – UNESCO Round: Message from Mocchi and UNESCO

Christopher Tordoff Christopher Tordoff 20/09/2019 6 min read
 Message from Shuichi Mochida

Thank you for participating in the Silent Manga Audition.

The thirteenth Round of the Silent Manga Audition (SMA 13) is named “SMA 13 – UNESCO Round”, thanks to our collaboration with UNESCO Bangkok, The United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture,  Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education.

The SMA has built up a track record as an international manga competition that evaluates the artistic ability and technique of quality manga. One of the characteristics of “silent manga” is that it allows readers to share stories across borders and cultures regardless of their native language.

The main objective of UNESCO is to work towards PEACE on a global scale, regardless of nationality, gender or age. This perfectly coincides with the ethos of the SMA in unifying the world through manga, so we are both delighted and excited to partner with UNESCO on this event.

The theme of the Round is “Together for Peace”, which is derived and fostered through understanding and empathy with others. I would be very happy if, not only those who aim to be manga artists, but also those who usually read manga take this opportunity to think about PEACE and try to create a silent manga that speaks to everyone.

We are looking forward to your entries.


Shuichi Mochida

Chairperson, Silent Manga Audition Committee

September 21, 2019 “International Day of Peace”  

Message from Mr Shigeru Aoyagi
  UNESCO’s Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education is very excited to be on board to launch the Silent Manga Audition 13th Round under the theme “Together for Peace”.

Today, 21st September, marks the International Day of Peace, a day dedicated to strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all countries and peoples.

UNESCO, as a United Nations specialized agency, has been working since 1945 to build a peaceful world through Education, Sciences, Culture, and Communication and Information.

Peace is not only about the absence of war or violence. True peace is sustainable and built on the foundation of justice for all peoples. This is known as “positive peace” creating an environment where people respect each other, and where people face no barriers due to their gender, race, ethnicity, religion or disability.

The success of UNESCO’s missions requires the active and meaningful engagement of all stakeholders, including youth. Young people are a powerful source of innovation, ideas and solutions and can play a positive role in promoting peace.

This is why we are particularly happy to collaborate with Silent Manga Audition, which has been providing a very unique platform and opportunity for talented young manga artists from all around the world.

We very much look forward to seeing everyone’s artwork that will help to promote positive peace.


Shigeru Aoyagi

Director, UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education

September 21, 2019 “International Day of Peace”  

Christopher Tordoff

Christopher Tordoff